[KWPeace-groups] 14 Upcoming events for peace, earth & justice - please share widely!
Tamara Lorincz
tlorincz at dal.ca
Wed Mar 22 17:57:07 EDT 2023
Hello and Happy World Water Day!
A list of 14 upcoming events some online & in-person. Please see below and share widely.
This weekend is the national weekend of action "Stop Arming Saudi Arabia, End the War in Yemen", find a rally near you: https://peaceandjusticenetwork.ca/canadastoparmingsaudi2023/
*After the march for climate "divest from fossil fuels" at the banks at 11am in uptown Waterloo, please join me for a short rally from 12:15-1pm "Stop Arming Saudi Arabia, End the War in Yemen" and "No New Fighter Jets" at the Waterloo Public Square. Details below. We will just hold signs and take photos and sign letters.
In commemoration of the 69 Black people killed by the white police in the Sharpeville Massacre in South Africa in 1960 = International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination March 21 (https://www.un.org/en/observances/end-racism-day).
For peace, earth and justice,
WEBINAR: Women for Climate Justice Leading Protection of Water"
Thursday March 23, 2023
2:00pm NYC Eastern Time
Spanish and English Interpretation Available
Register: https://bit.ly/40gjKlE
Organized by Women's Earth & Climate Action Network (WECAN): https://www.wecaninternational.org/
MARCH: Move Your Money, Defund Climate Chaos
Saturday morning March 25, 11am to noon, Waterloo, Ontario
Start at Waterloo Square then walk to each of the Big Five Fossil Fuel banks in Uptown Waterloo (CIBC, BMO, TD, Scotiabank and RBC) End back at Waterloo Square. Find out more: https://twitter.com/FossilFreeUW/status/1633855155580858369
National Weekend of Action "Stop Arming Saudi Arabia, End the War in Yemen"
March 25 & 26 across Canada, find an action near you: https://peaceandjusticenetwork.ca/canadastoparmingsaudi2023/
*WATERLOO: Saturday, March 25
12:15 - 1:00 PM
Waterloo Public Sq.
75 King St., Waterloo
Organized by the Canadian Voice of Women for Peace (VOW)
WEBINAR: Democracy Western Media Manufactures Consent for Capitalism's Disasters
Sunday 26 March 2023 at 9:00AM New York Time (US Eastern) / 9:00PM Beijing Time / 2:00PM UK Time over Zoom and YouTube live.
Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/western-media-manufactures-consent-for-capitalisms-disasters-tickets-591691012747
This panel, brining together leading alternative journalists publishing in English will reflect on the role of the mainstream media in the making and proliferation of the profound crisis of capitalism which is rapidly becoming an existential crisis for humanity. Whether it is the ongoing wars, public health catastrophes, economic crises or the ecological crises, mainstream media, rather than clarifying the issues, has muddied the waters if not spread outright disinformation. Panellists will provide their own perspectives and critiques and dwell on what needs to be done.
-Ben Norton is the founder and editor-in-chief of Geopolitical Economy Report, an independent news website dedicated to publishing original journalism and analysis. He has reported from numerous countries, including Venezuela, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Ecuador, Honduras, Colombia, and more.
-Camila Escalante is the woman behind Kawsachun News, a media outlet based in Bolivia, and also known for her correspondent work reporting around Latin America. She is a Latin American Correspondent for Press TV. She co-hosts Latin America Review, a new weekly program/podcast where you can hear interviews with Latin American and Caribbean leaders and analysts in English. Camila's family are FMLN revolutionary former combatants. She has previously been based in Quito, Havana and Caracas. She is currently based in La Paz and reporting on campesino movements across the continent.
-Danny Haiphong is a socialist activist, writer, and political analyst. He is the host of The Left Lens. For the last five years, Haiphong has been a weekly contributor to Black Agenda Report. His articles have also appeared in publications such as MintPressNews, Counterpunch, The American Herald Tribune, The Center for Global Research (Canada) and The Herald (Zimbabwe). Haiphong has frequently appeared on Black Agenda Radio, CPRNews with Don Debar, The Taylor Report, RT, and Sputnik International.
-Li Jingjing is a reporter for CGTN. She has travelled throughout China doing English-language video journalism, providing the outside world with a ground-level view of life, particularly in the autonomous regions and among ethnic minorities. She has interviewed Uyghur Islamic scholars in Xinjiang and schoolchildren in Tibet. She spent February and March 2020 in Wuhan, covering China's Covid frontline for CGTN. Her show, Talk it Out with Li Jingjing, is something of a social media sensation, with 2.6 million followers on Facebook.
-K.J. Noh is a peace activist, independent scholar, teacher and expert in the geopolitics of Asia. He is a frequent contributor to CounterPunch and Dissident Voice and a member of Veterans For Peace.
-Moderator - Radhika Desai is a Professor at the Department of Political Studies, and Director, Geopolitical Economy Research Group, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada. She is the author of Capitalism, Coronavirus and War: A Geopolitical Economy (2023), Geopolitical Economy: After US Hegemony, Globalization and Empire (2013), Slouching Towards Ayodhya: From Congress to Hindutva in Indian Politics (2nd rev ed, 2004) and Intellectuals and Socialism: 'Social Democrats' and the Labour Party (1994), a New Statesman and Society Book of the Month, and editor or co-editor of Russia, Ukraine and Contemporary Imperialism, a special issue of International Critical Thought (2016), Theoretical Engagements in Geopolitical Economy (2015), Analytical Gains from Geopolitical Economy (2015), Revitalizing Marxist Theory for Today's Capitalism (2010) and Developmental and Cultural Nationalisms (2009).
WEBINAR: The Forgotten War: Yemen, Saudi Arabia, and the Canadian arms trade
Monday, March 27th at 7PM-8PM EDT
Register: bit.ly/3JzW70I
Eight years ago, the Saudi-led coalition began an armed intervention in Yemen. An estimated 377,000 people have died because of the conflict. Millions more have been displaced across the region.
Leading organizations have repeatedly accused the Saudi-led coalition of perpetrating gross violations of human rights in the conflict and have called for an end to weapons transfers to the warring parties. Yet in these eight years, Canada has exported record numbers of arms to Saudi Arabia.
Join us at a virtual panel to learn about Yemen's humanitarian crisis, Canada's ongoing export of arms to Saudi Arabia, and the relationship between Canada's feminist foreign policy and the booming Canadian arms trade.
This event will include live English to French interpretation.
* Fatma Jaffar, Policy & Advocacy Lead, Oxfam in Yemen
* Jennifer Pedersen, Scholar and Humanitarian Policy Advisor
* Cesar Jaramillo, Executive Director, Project Ploughshares
Hosted by Project Ploughshares, Oxfam-Québec, Labour Against the Arms Trade, World Beyond War Canada, and le Collectif Échec à la guerre.
WEBINAR: The War That Doesn't Say Its Name: The Unending Conflict in the Congo
March 28 @ 11:30 am - 1:00 pm
Based on his book, The War That Doesn't Say Its Name: The Unending Conflict in the Congo, Jason Stearns examines why violence in the Congo has continued despite decades of international intervention. Dr. Stearns extrapolates from the dynamics of the Congolese state to other conflicts across Africa and presents a theory of conflict that highlights the interests of the belligerents and the social structures from which they arise. His talk will shed light on why certain military feuds persist without resolution.
About the speaker: Jason Stearns is a political scientist interested in dynamics of violence and other forms of social mobilization in Africa, with a particular focus on the Democratic Republic of the Congo. This research has also led him to scrutinize the impact--or lack thereof--of UN peacekeeping, international advocacy, and humanitarian relief operations on armed conflict. He has worked for Héritiers de la Justice, a Congolese human rights organization, the International Crisis Group, the Rift Valley Institute, the United Nations peacekeeping mission, and Yale University. In 2008, he was coordinator on the United Nations Group of Experts on the DR Congo. In 2010, he published Dancing in the Glory of Monster: The Collapse of the Congo and the Great War of Africa (Public Affairs). In 2014, Jason founded the Congo Research Group, which has been based since then at New York University's Center on International Cooperation. He is currently researching how recents transformations in subsaharan African countries have changed the way its citizens mobilize.
Online Film Premiere: The Movement and The "Madman"
Tuesday, March 28 @ 9:00 pm - 10:30 pm EDT
The MOVEMENT and the "MADMAN" will premiere on PBS as a special presentation of the American Experience series on Tuesday, March 28 at 9 pm / 8 pm (CT). View the film on your local PBS station (check your local listings) or streaming on PBS.org during and after the broadcast. More info: https://www.movementandthemadman.com/
The MOVEMENT and the "MADMAN" shows how two antiwar protests in the fall of 1969 - the largest the country had ever seen - caused President Nixon to cancel what he called his "madman" plans for a massive escalation of the U.S. war in Vietnam, including his threats to use nuclear weapons.
At the time, protestors had no idea what they had prevented and how many lives they had saved.
Told as a political thriller, the film is a David-and-Goliath tale that will engage viewers in a you-are-there experience with insider accounts from movement leaders and Nixon officials, illustrated with dynamic archival footage.
WEBINAR: "From Occupation to Apartheid: In Discussion with Former UN Special Rapporteur Michael Lynk"
March 29 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm: https://www.balsillieschool.ca/event/from-occupation-to-apartheid-in-discussion-with-former-un-special-rapporteur-michael-lynk/
Please email Joanne Weston to register online: jweston at balsillieschool.ca<mailto:jweston at balsillieschool.ca>
IN-PERSON IN WATERLOO: March 29 from 7-9pm Kim Phuc "The Girl in the Photo in Vietnam"
Peace Ambassador Kim Phuc will speak at Laurier on Wednesday March 29, hosted by International Students Overcoming War, Senate and Board Chamber 75 University Ave W Waterloo, ON N2L 3C5, more details here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/kim-phuc-lessons-of-life-at-wilfrid-laurier-university-tickets-568660317317
WEBINAR: "The Iraq War: Twenty Years On"
Speakers: Kathy Kelly, World BEYOND War, & Yusur Al-Bahrani, Canadian Voice of Women for Peace.
Thursday, March 30
8:00-9:00 PM ET (5:00-6:00 PT)
Register: https://bit.ly/42y3AG0
Webinar is organized by the Canadian Voice of Women for Peace (VOW), Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) Canada and World Beyond War Canada.
Come and hear from Kathy Kelly of World BEYOND War and Yusur Al-Bahrani of the Canadian Voice of Women for Peace. Kathy is a renowned peace activist, share her powerful reflections on the 20th anniversary of the illegal US-led war against Iraq. Kathy was deeply involved in trying to end the sanctions and to stop the war against Iraq. She will discuss her activism at the time and discuss the implications of this tragic war today. You will be moved and inspired by Kathy's testimony. Yusur is an accomplished journalist, Iraqi-Canadian and a former board member the Canadian Voice of Women for Peace. She has regularly visited her extended family in Iraq who were adversely affected by the war. She will share her thoughts about what the war has meant for her family and the country close to her heart. We will also briefly talk about Canada's shameful involvement in the war and occupation of Iraq and how Canada's role has shaped an aggressive foreign policy over the past two decades. Join our webinar and our work for peace!
BIO: Yusur Al-Bahrani, is an accomplished communications professional and a writer who works for and has volunteered at several national and international organizations including Canadian Voice of Women for Peace. She was a board member of VOW. As a journalist, Yusur's work has appeared in a number of national and international publications. Yusur has MA in Journalism from Toronto Metropolitan University.
BIO: Kathy Kelly is a peace activist who, with the Iraq Peace Team, lived in Iraq during the Shock and Awe attack and invasion. She had traveled there with 27 previous delegations to defy U.S./UN economic sanctions. With Voices in the Wilderness companions, she helped organize 70 delegations to deliver medical relief supplies from 1996 - 2003, openly violating the sanctions and steadily developing friendships with families in Baghdad, Basra and other Iraqi cities.
Since 2021, she and an ad hoc circle of internationals have been assisting young Afghans to resettle in safer havens. She co-coordinates the BanKillerDrones.org campaign, is board President of World BEYOND War, and is planning the 2023 Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal.
Read Kathy's latest article to reflect on the 20th anniversary of the US-led war of aggression against Iraq "Blood does not wash away blood": https://www.commondreams.org/opinion/blood-does-not-wash-away-blood
WEBINAR: FILM & DISCUSSION Nonviolence: The Tactics and Strategies of Winning Campaigns
Chile: Defeat of a Dictator- April 3, 2023 at 7pm ET
In 1983, Chilean workers initiated a wave of nonviolent protests against the military dictatorship of General Augusto Pinochet. Severe repression failed to stop the protests, and violent opposition failed to dislodge the dictatorship-until the democratic opposition organized to defeat Pinochet in a 1988 referendum.
Organized by Science for Peace and Canadian Voice of Women for Peace
Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZApcO6vqjIsH92ZJ0fJa3O0vQ-BdJXGi9ha
April 13 to May 9
The 12th edition of the Global Days of Action on Military Spending will take place from April 13 to May 9, 2023. Join us protesting military budgets & warmongering, and take action for peace & justice!
PROTEST CANSEC Canada's weapons fair
May 31 at 7am EY Centre, Ottawa
Stay tuned for more details: https://peaceandjusticenetwork.ca/
ONLINE/IN-PERSON: International Summit for Peace in Ukraine
We are delighted to invite you to the International Summit for Peace in Ukraine to be held in Vienna, Austria on June 10th/11th 2023.
The Peace Summit will discuss the controversial questions related to the Russian-Ukrainian war, hear the voices of civil society representatives of the various NATO countries, as well as representatives from Russia and Ukraine who support the aims of the Peace Summit. It will focus not only on critics and analysis, but also on creative solutions and ways to end the war and how to prepare negotiations. This is not only the task of states and diplomats but more and more of global society. Thus, the Peace Summit will include a combination of lectures, working groups, expert groups, and dialogues. The goal of the Peace Summit is to publish an Urgent Global Appeal, called the Vienna Declaration for Peace, calling on political leaders to act in support of a ceasefire and negotiations in Ukraine.
For more information, please see attached the preliminary invitation.
If you would like to attend the Peace Summit, please register here:
This event is organized by International Peace Bureau.
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