[KWPeace-groups] Budget Heartbreak & Two Webinars: 20 Years War in Iraq Mar. 30 + Stop the War in Ukraine April 22
Tamara Lorincz
tlorincz at dal.ca
Wed Mar 29 15:24:31 EDT 2023
Hello KW Peace,
Great action last Saturday to move the money for climate action!
Please see two webinars listed below for your interest: "Reflecting on 20 Years War in Iraq" on Mar. 30 + "Stop the War" in Ukraine on April 22. I would be grateful if you could share them.
I would like to take this opportunity to express my deep despair that the federal budget that was introduced by the Liberal government yesterday is what I can only describe as a 'war budget'. From my analysis, the Department of National Defence gets more new funding than any other department or program. The federal government claims that the increase to the military budget is because of Canada's commitments to the US-led NATO and US-led NORAD military alliances. The budget also explains that $55 billion is over and above the $553 billion for the defence policy has been committed this past year (this is over 20-years according to Strong Secure Engaged defence policy). Canada is spending more money to replenish weapons. China, Russia and Iran are listed as threats. There is no gender analysis of this that I can see despite the federal legislation requirement for gender budgeting. The budget also highlights the fossil-fuel powered fighter jet acquisition for $19 billion and $7 billion for military infrastructure in the Arctic, the fastest warming region on the planet and with many Indigenous communities in unsafe housing. I don't see any substantial investments for the Women Peace & Security agenda, peacekeeping or peacebuilding. The budget has "Ukraine" mentioned 65 times with $2 billion more for military & financial aid to the Ukraine government, but "climate" is only mentioned 49 times with inadequate investment for the climate emergency that we are in: https://www.budget.canada.ca/2023/pdf/budget-2023-en.pdf
Last week, the IPCC released its 6th synthesis report on the state of the climate science. The IPCC explains that humanity is facing catastrophic climate change on our current emissions trajectory. At this rate, we will exceed the 1.5 degree target and the carbon budget in the next few years. We are facing global warming of over 3 degrees this century that will have devasting impacts for our children. The IPCC says that global cooperation and immediate emissions reduction in this next decade is crucial to avert the worst case scenario: https://report.ipcc.ch/ar6syr/pdf/IPCC_AR6_SYR_SPM.pdf
The media and the other political parties are ignoring the problem of increasing military spending and militarism. We urgently need to demilitarize for a green, care economy.
I would be grateful if you could please retweet my tweet about this: https://twitter.com/TamaraLorincz/status/1640848768353329152
AND: https://twitter.com/TamaraLorincz/status/1640792845693984768
AND: https://twitter.com/TamaraLorincz/status/1640790149985345540
Take action "Sign open letter to Hon. David Johnson on foreign interference inquiry that it does not lead to racism against Asian Canadians or make the 'foreign' divisive" https://onlineacademiccommunity.uvic.ca/ccf/open-letter-to-the-right-honorable-david-johnston/
In solidarity for peace, earth and justice,
Two events:
"The Iraq War: Twenty Years On"
Speakers: Kathy Kelly, World BEYOND War, & Yusur Al-Bahrani, Canadian Voice of Women for Peace.
Thursday, March 30
8:00-9:00 PM ET (5:00-6:00 PT)
Register: https://bit.ly/42y3AG0
Webinar is organized by the Canadian Voice of Women for Peace (VOW), Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) Canada and World Beyond War Canada.
Come and hear from Kathy Kelly of World BEYOND War and Yusur Al-Bahrani of the Canadian Voice of Women for Peace. Kathy is a renowned peace activist, share her powerful reflections on the 20th anniversary of the illegal US-led war against Iraq. Kathy was deeply involved in trying to end the sanctions and to stop the war against Iraq. She will discuss her activism at the time and discuss the implications of this tragic war today. You will be moved and inspired by Kathy's testimony. Yusur is an accomplished journalist, Iraqi-Canadian and a former board member the Canadian Voice of Women for Peace. She has regularly visited her extended family in Iraq who were adversely affected by the war. She will share her thoughts about what the war has meant for her family and the country close to her heart. We will also briefly talk about Canada's shameful involvement in the war and occupation of Iraq and how Canada's role has shaped an aggressive foreign policy over the past two decades. Join our webinar and our work for peace!
BIO: Yusur Al-Bahrani, is an accomplished communications professional and a writer who works for and has volunteered at several national and international organizations including Canadian Voice of Women for Peace. She was a board member of VOW. As a journalist, Yusur's work has appeared in a number of national and international publications. Yusur has MA in Journalism from Toronto Metropolitan University.
BIO: Kathy Kelly is a peace activist who, with the Iraq Peace Team, lived in Iraq during the Shock and Awe attack and invasion. She had traveled there with 27 previous delegations to defy U.S./UN economic sanctions. With Voices in the Wilderness companions, she helped organize 70 delegations to deliver medical relief supplies from 1996 - 2003, openly violating the sanctions and steadily developing friendships with families in Baghdad, Basra and other Iraqi cities. Since 2021, she and an ad hoc circle of internationals have been assisting young Afghans to resettle in safer havens. She co-coordinates the BanKillerDrones.org campaign, is board President of World BEYOND War, and is planning the 2023 Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal.
Read Kathy's latest article to reflect on the 20th anniversary of the US-led war of aggression against Iraq "Blood does not wash away blood": https://www.commondreams.org/opinion/blood-does-not-wash-away-blood
Europe For Peace: Stop the War in Ukraine
April 22, Earth Day!
Register: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/europe-for-peace-stop-the-war-in-ukraine-tickets-602451688217
Speakers: Clare Daly MEP, Sevim Dagdelen (German MP), Lowkey and Lindsey German. Plus more tba.
The spectre of war looms large over Europe. The proxy war between NATO and Russia in Ukraine threatens to drag on for many years, causing untold misery for the people of Ukraine and plummeting living standards right across the continent.
As we witness the carnage in Bakhmut and elsewhere there is a growing realisation that a World War One style deadlock of brutal trench warfare is becoming a reality, while the danger of nuclear warfare lurks menacingly in the background.
That is why opposition to the war is increasing amongst ordinary people in many parts of Europe, and why Stop the War Coalition is hosting a meeting in London uniting European anti-war forces to call for a ceasefire and negotiations. It's the only sane, realistic alternative to years of suffering for Ukrainians, Europeans and the world as a whole. Peace now!
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