[KWPeace-groups] Spread the Word!

Esther Kern estherk at cpt.org
Fri Mar 3 14:52:19 EST 2023

Hello Thomas,
Thank you for this opportunity, in regard to applying for admission to the
MPACS program, offered by Conrad Grebel University College.  If the winter
weather permits, I will be in attendance on Saturday for the Tenth
Anniversary celebration, along with a former graduate from Pakistan,
Rizwan.  I have been very interested in applying for the program and wonder
what the possibility may be.

I am a graduate of Goshen College with a Bachelor of Science Degree in
Nursing, and have completed three courses at Eastern Mennonite Seminary,
toward a Master's Degree.  I have also been a member of Community
Peacemaker Teams since 2004, which has led me to serve on projects in Iraqi
Kurdistan, Palestine, Colombia, the USA/Mexican Borderlands, and in
numerous Indigenous Communities with the Turtle Island Solidarity Network,
which includes work in Ontario and British Columbia.  Humanitarian aid and
medical missions have taken me to Honduras, and just two weeks ago, I
returned from trip number seventeen to that country.  I have also been
involved in humanitarian aid missions to Cuba, more times than I can
remember, the last one in November 2022.  One might surmise that I am now
ready to engage in a theoretical framework around the activities with which
I am already involved!  On another note, I have successfully and
chronologically, made 80 revolutions around the sun!  What are my
chances for the MPACS program? Thank you!
Esther Kern
26 Rostherne Crescent
London, Ontario N6E 1Y2

On Tue, Feb 28, 2023 at 12:17 PM Thomas W. Fraser <twilliamfraser at gmail.com>

> Greetings friends,
> If any of you know anyone who might be interested in the Master of Peace
> and Conflict Studies (MPACS)
> <https://uwaterloo.ca/master-peace-conflict-studies/> program at Conrad
> Grebel University College, please let them know that we are currently
> accepting applications for Fall 2023 on a rolling basis until the program
> is full.
> Full disclosure: I am an alumnus of the program and can attest to its
> value, but I am also currently serving as its coordinator! It's a great
> local option for anyone seeking to deepen their knowledge in this area and
> pursue a related career.
> Wishing you all peace!
> Sincerely,
> Thomas Fraser
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