[KWPeace-groups] Some webinars for your interest - VOW's webinar on Cancel Canada's participation in RIMPAC & the New Warships June 16
Tamara Lorincz
tlorincz at dal.ca
Mon Jun 15 19:45:50 EDT 2020
Hello everyone!
Three webinars below for your interest.
Please be sure sign petition to keep Canada of UNSC: https://www.foreignpolicy.ca/ and send out a tweet today!
Hope everyone is well,
No to NATO, Yes to Peace Webinar Series
Featured speaker: Ann Wright, Member of CodePink, former US Army Colonel and high-ranking diplomat
Tuesday, June 16
3:30-5:00 EDT
To register email: ontario at vowpeace.org<mailto:ontario at vowpeace.org>
Join Melissa Weale, Greer Donaldson and Tamara Lorincz for a discussion with Ann Wright about RIMPAC, the largest naval exercise in the Pacific Ocean. We will discuss Canada’s planned involvement in RIMPAC, how we can stop it, impacts on Hawaii and efforts from the co-organizer of the Cancel RIMPAC Coalition, Kawenaʻulaokalā Kapahua. We will also talk about the largest procurement in Canadian history – the $70 billion federal government program to build new warships for the Royal Canadian Navy. We will talk about the navy’s adverse impact on our oceans and marine life. We need to stop war exercises and warships on our oceans. Let’s raise women’s voices for peace and ocean protection.
*Email ontario at vowpeace.org<mailto:ontario at vowpeace.org> to register for this event!*
Zoom details: Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 873 0480 7026
Organized by the Canadian Voice of Women for Peace. More information on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/223144648902266/
June 24, 2020, 11:00-13:15 EDT
Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament (PNND), World Future Council (WFC) and Women Legislators' Lobby (WiLL) would like to invite you to our upcoming June 24 webinar entitled UN2020: Enhancing peace, disarmament and the role of women.
The webinar is scheduled. Please, find all relevant information below:
About the webinar:
The UN Charter was adopted in 1945 with the principle aim to "save succeeding generations from the scourge of war." The Charter requires member states to resolve their conflicts peacefully and provide a range of mechanisms for the peaceful resolution of conflicts. The UN Charter also obliges the Security Council to implement global arms control and disarmament in order to "maintain international peace and security with the least diversion for armaments of the world's human and economic resources."
The webinar will highlight key aspects of the UN Secretary-General's disarmament agenda, which was launched in 2018 to help implement these core UN objectives. The webinar will also explore ideas in Human security for public health, peace and sustainable development, an international appeal of 250 women legislators, religious leaders and civil society leaders from 50 countries which focus don the increased importance of the UN, peace and disarmament in a world impacted by Covid-19.
The webinar will feature:
• Hon Izumi Nakamitsu (United Nations), UN Under-Secretary-General and High Representative for Disarmament Affairs;
• Hon Fabrizio Hochschild-Drummond (United Nations), Adviser to the Secretary-General on the Commemoration of the United Nations 75th Anniversary;
• Hon Maria Espinosa (Ecuador), Member World Future Council and President of the 73rd UN General Assembly;
• Senator Gabriela Cuevas Barron (Mexico), President, Inter-Parliamentary Union;
• Baroness Sue Miller (UK), PNND Co-President and Vice-Chair, UK All Party Parliamentary Group on Global Security and Non-proliferation;
• Ms Divina Maloum (Cameroon), Founder of Children for Peace. Co-winner of the 2019 International Children’s Peace Prize;
• Ms Elizabeth Warner (USA), Managing Director, Ploughshares Fund. Leader, Women in Peace and Security Initiative;
• Rep Carol Ammons (USA), Member Illinois State Assembly. Member, Women Legislators’ Lobby;
• Hon Ann-Sofie Nilsson (Sweden), Ambassador for Disarmament and Nonproliferation;
And a special guest performance by Holly Near (USA), acclaimed singer, song-writer, actor and founder of Redwood Records.
How to register:
While the webinar is free to attend, for security reasons we ask everyone to register: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_MYB23McwS8SsiKt1ed9o8Q
Vanda Proskova
Coordinator of the May 24 women's peace and disarmament appeal
PNND Coordinator for the Czech Republic
WEBINAR: Is NATO in its deepest crisis in history?
25 June 2020
10am HST | 2pm EDT | 8pm CEST
Do we have the historical chance to overcome NATO?
What does this mean for war and peace in the world?
Together with peace friends from different countries we will try to find answers to these questions. We expect an input of max. 7 minutes from
• Ajamu Baraka, Black Alliance for Peace, US
• Reiner Braun, IPB, ICC no to war – no to NATO, Germany
• Jun Chisaka, Japan Peace Committee, Japan (per video)
• Kate Hudson, CND, ICC no to war – no to NATO, UK
Moderation: Kristine Karch, co-chair no to war – no to NATO, Ingela Martensson, Women for Peace, ICC no to war – no to NATO, Sweden
The subsequent discussion starts with short interventions (3-4 min.) from e.g. Belgium, Canada, Finland, France, Italy, Norway, Spain.
We will have a zoom video conference room with up to 50 persons and additional a live stream on YouTube. The link to YouTube will be public, the zoom link only for those who have registered at info at no-to-nato.org<mailto:info at no-to-nato.org>
The aim of the webinar should not only be to educate ourselves, but also to engage more people in our discussions and actions and as well to exchange regarding social media work. Another possible output could be questions provided to European parliamentarians to the EU authorities about US troops / NATO troops in Europe and EU militarization.
Follow up meeting: We have scheduled a virtual network meeting on 30th June 2020.
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