[KWPeace-groups] Inviting Kelly from Mino Ode Kwewak N'gamowak

Nonviolence Festival nonviolencefest at gmail.com
Tue Sep 13 10:53:56 EDT 2016

Hi Emily and all

I guess that's all I am saying - that the group should be a part of us. Not
a guest group, but one of us.
It's awesome to be open and inclusive. I didn't want to come across


On Tuesday, 13 September 2016, Emily Mininger <e.mininger at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Matt and all,
> I think the "members of KW Peace" are very vague at this point, it's
> mostly an open invitation to anyone who wants to be a part. I don't think
> we should limit the presenters to people that have attended the meetings;
> maybe this is the first time they've been invited to or heard about KW
> Peace and would like to be involved, or had other barriers to coming to the
> planning meeting? In which case, presenting and attending this event might
> be the first step in having them be more involved with us and our future
> endeavors.
> KW Peace welcomes any group in the area that works for positive change,
> and so I think any group that states that they want to be a member,
> participate, and put their events on our calendar should be considered a
> member. In terms of the "slippery slope- where do we stop" concern, I think
> as a collective we want to be open, and that we should let people self
> identify as being a "peace" group. If they feel they fit under the umbrella
> and want to join, great! I don't really know how else we would select for
> membership without it getting messy and subjective.
> Anyway, those are my two cents.I think that, particularly because we're a
> fairly new group, we should be open to those just finding out about us now
> through whatever channel.
> Emily
> On Tue, Sep 13, 2016 at 9:45 AM, Nonviolence Festival <
> nonviolencefest at gmail.com
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','nonviolencefest at gmail.com');>> wrote:
>> Friends
>> Is the group in question a member of kW peace? If a group commits to
>> meetings and contributes to the event then they should be able to present.
>> If a group is not part of kW peace, why would they be a part of the event?
>> I understand that the theme is perspectives, but where do we stop? There
>> are many points of view that could be a part of us, they simply need to
>> identify and Act that way.
>> Thank you for your understanding. This message was written in the spirit
>> of solidarity.
>> Matt
>> On Tuesday, 13 September 2016, CPT Canada <canada at cpt.org
>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','canada at cpt.org');>> wrote:
>>> Wonderful idea!  This is a group which has been brought to my attention
>>> by an Indigenous man who works two doors down the hall from our present
>>> Toronto office.  I have wanted to connect with them since we are moving to
>>> Waterloo, and this provides a wonderful opportunity not only for myself but
>>> for others as well.
>>> Thank you for suggesting this!
>>> Peace,
>>> Esther
>>> *From:* Groups [mailto:groups-bounces at kwpeace.ca] *On Behalf Of *Dave
>>> Derraugh
>>> *Sent:* 13 September 2016 03:45
>>> *To:* Peace and Social Justice Group Organizers in Kitchener-Waterloo
>>> *Subject:* Re: [KWPeace-groups] Inviting Kelly from Mino Ode Kwewak
>>> N'gamowak
>>> Hi Laura,and all
>>> I think inviting and including Kelly is a great idea.
>>> Thanks!
>>> Dave
>>> On Mon, Sep 12, 2016 at 11:37 PM, <laura at divestwaterloo.ca> wrote:
>>> Hi everyone, I would very much like to invite Kelly Laurila
>>> <https://uwaterloo.ca/renison/people-profiles/kelly-laurila> the
>>> organizer of Mino Ode Kwewak N'gamowak
>>> <http://minoodekwewak.wixsite.com/goodheartedwomen> (Good Hearted Women
>>> Singers) to participate in our October 1st event.  Kelly and the good
>>> hearted women have done a lot of peace building as part of their
>>> reconciliation through song work - this is another perspective on peace
>>> that I think we should include in our event.  Would it be OK if I invite
>>> Kelly to participate in our lightening round?
>>> You can learn more about Mino Ode Kwewak N'gamowak here.
>>> <https://uwaterloo.ca/truth-and-reconciliation-response-projects/news/mino-ode-kwewak-ngamowak-bridging-communities-through-song>
>>> Looking forward to hearing your perspectives on this :)  Thanks!
>>> laura
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> --
> Emily Mininger
> PeaceQuest KW Affiliate Facilitator
> Email: e.mininger at gmail.com
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','e.mininger at gmail.com');>
> Phone: 519-568-3879
> Twitter: @PeaceQuestKW
> Facebook: facebook.com/peacequest.ca
> Website: peacequest.ca
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