[KWPeace-groups] Upcoming events and petitions to sign - Next rally for Palestine Tues. May 7 at 4:30pm at UW Ion train crossing 170 University Ave.

Tamara Lorincz tlorincz at dal.ca
Thu May 2 00:50:44 EDT 2024

Hello KW Peace and allies,
(apologies for any duplicates)

Please find below 10 upcoming events and 3 petitions to sign & share. We need 300 more signatures by May 5 for a nuclear disarmament petition – please scroll down. Thank you!

Mark your calendars! Our next STAND WITH GAZA & SOLIDARITY WITH STUDENTS In the U.S. FOR PALESTINE in Waterloo will be on Tuesday, May 7 from 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm in front of University of Waterloo, at the Ion train crossing, 170 University Ave. Join us with your flags & signs. There was an article about our action today: https://kitchener.citynews.ca/2024/05/01/pro-palestinian-demonstration-coming-to-major-roadway-near-university-of-waterloo/
Every Saturday there is a grief walk at the Kitchener Farmers Market at 11am. Organized by KW Friends of Palestine: https://www.facebook.com/KWPalestine/

For your interest, I have an article “Reflections on War and Peace at COP 28 and the Hope of Cooperation for Climate Justice” in the latest WILPF US magazine “Peace & Freedom”: https://wilpfus.org/resources/publications I write a little about the rallies for Gaza at the climate summit in Dubai. There are many interesting articles: https://wilpfus.org/documents/peace&freedom/P&F_Spring24-09-yumpu.pdf

In solidarity for peace, earth & justice,

A webinar sponsored by the Odessa Solidarity Campaign
Thursday, May 2, noon - 1:15 pm (EST)
Register in advance for this webinar:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

The Odessa Solidarity Campaign invites you to attend an important webinar on May 2 that will explore the true nature of the government of Ukraine and expose the myth that it is a democracy unjustly targeted in an unprovoked war.
The webinar is timely for two reasons:
First, May 2 will mark 10 years since a fascist-led mob murdered at least 42 people when it set fire to the House of Trade Unions in Odessa, Ukraine. What has become known as the Odessa Massacre took place shortly after the U.S.-backed coup that overthrew the elected president of Ukraine and replaced him with a regime anxious to ally with the U.S. and its growing global military, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO.
And second, the U.S. House of Representatives has just approved $61 billion for the U.S. proxy war with Russia, along with $26 billion for Israel to support its genocide in Gaza and billions for Taiwan, a provocative move certain to increase tensions with China.
The May 2 webinar will have four presenters, all of whom have visited Ukraine since the Odessa Massacre:
Bruce Gagnon - Coordinator, Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space (Maine)
Joe Lombardo - Coordinator, United National Antiwar Coalition (New York)
John Parker - Leading Member, Socialist Unity Party; Coordinator, Harriet Tubman Center for Social Justice (California)
Phil Wilayto - Coordinator, Odessa Solidarity Campaign; Editor, The Virginia Defender (Virginia)
The Moderator will be:
Alison Bodine - Representative, Fire This Time Movement for Social Justice (Vancouver)
There will also be a special presentation by a member of the Uhuru 3, leaders and supporters of the African People’s Socialist Party who have come under severe political repression for speaking out against the U.S. role in Ukraine’s war with Russia. The Uhuru 3 are scheduled to go to trial Sept. 3 in Tampa, Florida. The May 2 webinar is being sponsored by the Odessa Solidarity Campaign.

ONLINE MEETING: Open Discussion on Canada's Federal Budget 2024, new Defence Update & new National Action Plan on Women, Peace & Security
Monday, May 6, 2024 from 7:30-8:30 pm ET (Toronto) | 4:30-5:30 pm PT (Vancouver) | 8:30-9:30 pm AT (Halifax)
*Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 816 2976 5160
Passcode: 020765

Join VOW and WILPF in an online open discussion about Canada’s new federal budget, new defence policy update and third national action plan on women, peace & security. We will talk about the dangerous warpath that Canada is on. Please see a link below to these documents plus SIPRI’s new report on global military spending.
Let’s discuss these plans and figure out how we take action.

1.Third National Action Plan for Women, Peace and Security: A Foundation for Peace:
2. Defence Policy Update “Our North, Strong and Free”: https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/corporate/reports-publications/north-strong-free-2024.html
3. Federal Budget 2024: https://budget.canada.ca/2024/home-accueil-en.html#pdf
4. SIPRI Report on “Trends in World Military Expenditures, 2023”

WEBINAR: Stopping the Israeli war machine: feeding the people of Gaza!
Date & Time May 7, 2024 12:00  Eastern Time US and Canada
Register: https://cnduk.org/events/stopping-the-israeli-war-machine-feeding-the-people-of-gaza-international-webinar/
Organized by No-to-Nato in conjunction with GWUAN

Tuesday, May 7
4:30 pm - 5:30 am
In front of University of Waterloo,
Ion train crossing, 170 University Ave.
Join us with your flags & signs.

IN TORONTO! VOW Award Ceremony & Fundraising Dinner May 11
The event will take place on Saturday, May 11th at 6pm at Friends House (with a virtual option available). This evening will include a dinner, special keynote speaker, silent auction, opportunity to connect with peace practitioners, and above all else an opportunity to honour peace women.
We are honoured to announce that Kim Phuc will be our keynote speaker! Kim is a UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador and the founder of The KIM Foundation International.
For more information, and to register for this incredible event, click the button below: https://secure.vowpeace.org/civicrm/event/info?reset=1&id=6

*RALLY FOR GAZA! Also in Toronto, there will be on Saturday, May 11 at 2pm in front of the US consulate, there will be a protest for Gaza #FreePalestine: https://www.instagram.com/p/C59AoYEgKwV/?img_index=1 (before the VOW gala. I will go to the Palestine rally and to the VOW awards gala!)

Mark your calendars for Saturday, May 25 the peace caravan will be in Toronto!
5 - 9 pm on Saturday May 25th at Friends House, 60 Lowther Ave. Lots of great speakers and snacks.
Admission by donation. Organized by VOW: info at vowpeace.org<mailto:info at vowpeace.org> / www.vowpeace.org<http://www.vowpeace.org>

Film screening: “Manufacturing the Threat” special screening on May 26 -  the brilliant Azeezah Kanji, Pam Palmater, and John Kingman Phillips and I will be having a panel discussion at the @hotdocs_  Ted Rogers Cinema, May 26 2024. Link for tickets: https://hotdocs.ca/whats-on/films/manufacturing-the-threat

WEBINAR: How to Stop a Nuclear War
May 15, 2024 05:00 PM
Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIkde-rrjgsHN3lkBuDzwrOgqFegSj9RWNo#/registration
Organized by Science for Peace
Paul Jay is a journalist and filmmaker. He was the co-executive producer of Face Off and counterSpin, nightly prime-time debate programs that ran for ten years on CBC Newsworld. Jay was the founder of The Real News Network based in Baltimore.  His films have won awards at major festivals. He is currently working on a documentary titled "How to Stop a Nuclear War" based on Daniel Ellsberg’s book “The Doomsday Machine,” featuring acclaimed actor Emma Thompson as narrator.
Militarism and financialization became crucial parts of the U.S. economy and politics since World War I. In 1934, Smedley Butler, a highly decorated American soldier, wrote a book titled "War is a Racket," which exposed the profit motives behind warfare. As Daniel Ellsberg pointed out, after World War II, the development of nuclear weapons and the Cold War narrative provided the foundation for an even greater expansion of the military-industrial-financial complex. Today, the militarist “racket” has led to an all-out nuclear arms race that threatens, not only our economy, but our very existence.

IN HAMILTON IN-PERSON: “Palestine, Genocide & Resistance: The Big Picture in West Asia” with journalist and lawyer Dimitri Lascaris on May 15, 2024 at 20:00 hours—22:00 hours. Organized by the Hamilton Coalition to Stop the War: https://hamiltoncoalitiontostopthewar.ca/

IN OTTAWA IN-PERSON: “Palestine, Genocide & Resistance: The Big Picture in West Asia”
Ottawa Peace Council event. May 22, 2024 at 18:00 hours—20:00 hours at Jack Purcell, Room 203, 320 Jack Purcell Lane. Doors open at 17:45. Two great speakers: Dimitri Lascaris just back from West Asia and Hassan Husseini (Labour for Palestine). Organized by the Ottawa Peace Council.

On to Ottawa Peace Caravan & Shut Down CANSEC
Find an “On to Ottawa” peace caravan event near you and support the caravan: https://wilpfcanada.ca/
In Ottawa, on May 27 & May 28 please join us for the “On to Ottawa Peace Caravan” events: https://wilpfcanada.ca/ and on May 29 & 30 help us shut down the biggest weapons fair in North America, CANSEC 2024: https://worldbeyondwar.org/cansec/

Mark Your Calendars! In Washington DC: No to NATO, Yes to Peace Counter Summit & Rally
A summit and a rally in Washington D.C. on July 6-7, 2024
Endorse the No to NATO, Yes to Peace statement:

Please sign and share this Parliamentary e-petition for nuclear disarmament!
We need 360 signatures by May 5 on our petition for nuclear disarmament and for Canada to join the TPNW! https://www.ourcommons.ca/petitions/en/Petition/Details?Petition=e-4870

And please sign this petition “Demand Israel stop escalating violence that could spur World War III” initiated by the Canadian Foreign Policy Institute, Just Peace Advocates, Palestinian and Jewish Unity:

Sign this petition: No more investments in companies complicit in arms exports and international law violations in the Federal Public Services Pension plan.
Take a minute to write to the PSP CEO. Demand PSP divest from companies complicit in  war crimes and genocide: https://actionnetwork.org/letters/federal-psp-investments-in-companies-complicit-with-international-law-violations?source=direct_link&link_id=6&can_id=08297aacfa6299b1025e006dffcf983d&email_referrer=email_2297389&email_subject=federal-civil-service-pension-psp-invested-in-complicity-with-war-crimes-and-genocide

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