[KWPeace-groups] Assault weapons from Kitchener to Ukraine + KITCHENER-WATERLOO TOWN HALL: The Fight for Pharmacare, hosted by Avi Lewis

Tamara Lorincz tlorincz at dal.ca
Thu May 4 20:58:48 EDT 2023

Hello KW peace,

I hope everyone is well.

This town hall on pharmacare is happening on May 16. Please see details below.

I think it is shameful that COLT Canada with its office & factory in Kitchener has received a contract from the federal government to send assault weapons to Ukraine instead of the federal government supporting peace: https://ottawacitizen.com/news/national/defence-watch/canada-expects-to-have-21000-assault-rifles-delivered-to-ukraine-within-months Our city is part of the war machine.

If you are in Ottawa at the end of the month:
Come and join us to protest the biggest weapons manufacturers in the world in our capital!
May 31 at 7am, EY Centre: https://worldbeyondwar.org/cansec/
We need a peace economy not a war economy!

In solidarity for peace, earth and justice,

From: Nikolas Barry-Shaw, Council of Canadians <inquiries at canadians.org>
Sent: May 4, 2023 6:30 PM
To: Tamara Lorincz <tlorincz at dal.ca>
Subject: KITCHENER-WATERLOO TOWN HALL: The Fight for Pharmacare, hosted by Avi Lewis


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[Public Pharmacare Now Town Hall With Avi Lewis]

Dear Tamara,

We have never needed pharmacare so urgently.

Sky-high drug prices are forcing millions of people to choose between paying rent, buying food, or getting their medications. And Big Pharma greed is siphoning billions of dollars from our crumbling public health care system.

And yet, despite its promise to enact a public pharmacare plan by the end of 2023, the Trudeau government is moving at a snail’s pace. To raise the political temperature on pharmacare, the Council of Canadians is organizing a cross-Canada series of town halls hosted by Avi Lewis.

What: Public Pharmacare Now! A town hall hosted by Avi Lewis
When: Tuesday, May 16th at 7p.m.
Where: First United Church, Sanctuary, 16 William St W, Waterloo
RSVP here: https://canadians.org/event/kitchener-waterloo-pharmacare-town-hall-with-avi-lewis/<https://canadians.us19.list-manage.com/track/click?u=fb9e08a9113c74c2263f5d4e2&id=010a779665&e=a65a6777c6>

An outspoken activist and a seasoned broadcaster, Avi Lewis will be joined by patient advocate Erin Little, professor of pharmacy at University of Waterloo Dr. Wasem Alsabbagh, and other guests. Organized in collaboration with the Kitchener-Waterloo chapter, the town hall will also be an opportunity for people to share their experiences with unaffordable drug prices and ask questions about what pharmacare would mean for them.

Join us for this town hall to explore both the personal and the political sides of the fight for pharmacare, and how we can turn the dream of a public, universal drug plan that gives access to prescription drugs for all into a reality, together.

RSVP NOW<https://canadians.us19.list-manage.com/track/click?u=fb9e08a9113c74c2263f5d4e2&id=49a161128d&e=a65a6777c6>

Looking forward to seeing you on May 16th.

In solidarity,

Nik Barry-Shaw
Trade and Privatization Campaigner
The Council of Canadians<https://canadians.us19.list-manage.com/track/click?u=fb9e08a9113c74c2263f5d4e2&id=db2ce074bd&e=a65a6777c6>


P.S. There are other town halls on pharmacare happening across the country – click here<https://canadians.us19.list-manage.com/track/click?u=fb9e08a9113c74c2263f5d4e2&id=00714d7ccc&e=a65a6777c6> to get involved or find out more.

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