[KWPeace-groups] Fwd: April 21 Online Get-together

Bob Jonkman bobjonkman at kwpeace.ca
Tue Apr 13 23:57:42 EDT 2021

Hi KWPeace Group Organizers: My apologies for the blank messages to the 
list. I think something is configured wrong, but I haven't yet figured 
out what it is.

In the meantime, here is Matt's very important message about our next 
KWPeace Spring Get-together!

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Date: 	Tue, 13 Apr 2021 20:48:13 -0400
From: 	Matt Albrecht <matthewdalbrecht at gmail.com>
To: 	groups at kwpeace.ca <groups at kwpeace.ca>, WR Regulars 
<regulars at wrnonviolence.org>
Subject: 	[WRNonviolenceRegulars] April 21 Online Get-together

Hello KW Peace friends

Thanks to everyone who let us know what date would best suit for an 
online chat.

Wednesday April 21

7:00-8:30 pm

The link for the meeting:

https://wrnonviolence.org/meeting <https://wrnonviolence.org/meeting>

Enter your name for the meeting (how others in the room will see you)

Next Window – select that you want to use a microphone

In the meeting:

   * You can make the welcome banner go away by clicking the – in its top
     right corner
   * You can turn the chat room (the left parts of your screen) on / off
     by clicking the < in the top left
   * You can share your video by clicking the camera icon in the bottom
   * For other tips and tricks Bob Jonkman will be there to help us all 😊

In the past KW Peace would hold occasional pot luck meetings – just a 
time for folks to share what their group’s been up to, to chat about 
projects, successes, difficulties, share resources etc.

The format of our online meeting will be to (re)introduce ourselves, 
talk about the group(s) you work with, and whatever else we want to chat 

If you have thoughts or questions please let us know.

Looking forward to virtually meeting


WR Nonviolence

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