[KWPeace-groups] Reminder: Spring 2020 Potluck Dinner Meeting, 6pm-8pm, Thu 12 Mar 2020

KWPeace kwpeace at kwpeace.ca
Wed Mar 11 23:44:23 EDT 2020

Hi Everyone: Just a quick reminder that tomorrow, Thursday 12 March 2020
is our KWPeace Spring 2020 Potluck Dinner Meeting!  Everyone is welcome,
especially organizers of peace, nonviolence, democracy, environmental,
indigenous rights, worker rights, and any other social justice

If you can, please bring a vegetarian dish to share. If you can't, there
is always enough for everyone anyway (so don't stay away on account of
food). Please put a note on your dish if it contains nuts, wheat,
latex-like allergens (strawberry, kiwi, banana), dairy, or eggs.

See you at the potluck!

*What*: KWPeace Spring 2020 Potluck Dinner Meeting
*When*: Thursday 12 March 2020 from 6:00pm to 8:00pm
*Where*: Civic Hub Waterloo Region
*Location*: 23 Water Street North, Kitchener, Ontario
*Map*: https://osm.org/go/ZXnwWMMz--?m=

--Bob (who may be slightly late since Laurel has the car until 5:30pm)

On 2020-03-01 11:53 a.m., Bob Jonkman wrote:
> Hi again: OK, there are enough things happening on 19 March that more
> people will be available on 12 March, so let's commit to the 12th
> instead.  Sorry for the false alarm!
> Updated event listing:
> https://kwpeace.ca/event/kwpeace-spring-2020-potluck-dinner-meeting/?instance_id=8002
> --Bob.
> On 2020-02-28 3:05 a.m., Bob Jonkman wrote:
>> Hello again KWPeace Groups organizers!  The poll has spoken and the
>> most popular date for the KWPeace Spring 2020 Potluck Dinner Meeting
>> is Thursday 19 March 2020.
>> It turns out the Civic Hub is very popular, and there are already two
>> other groups using the space on that date and time (Hello, Extinction
>> Rebellion and KW Our Time!) Hopefully we can all share the space
>> together (and have increased participation in the potluck), but I've
>> indicated on the Civic Hub booking request that our alternate date
>> would be Thursday 12 March 2020. So, keep both dates open for the moment!
>> The Spring 2020 Potluck Dinner Meeting is just before the summer
>> festival season begins. I know some groups are already busy planning
>> their events for the summer, so this is a great time to let us all
>> know so we're not booking the same dates and we're able to attend each
>> others' events.
>> *What*: KWPeace Spring 2020 Potluck Dinner Meeting
>> *When*: Thursday 19 March 2020 from 6:00pm to 8:00pm
>> *Where*: Civic Hub Waterloo Region
>> *Location*: 23 Water Street North, Kitchener, Ontario
>> *Map*: https://osm.org/go/ZXnwWMMz--?m=
>> To enter the Civic Hub at the doors on Duke Street; press the buzzer
>> for Social Development Centre Waterloo Region to summon the doorkeeper.
>> And although the time for the actual meeting is 6:00pm to 8:00pm,
>> there's setup at 5:30pm and cleanup from 8:00pm to 8:30pm. Setup and
>> cleanup assistance is greatly appreciated!
>> See you all at the Civic Hub!
>> --Bob.
>> On 2020-02-13 3:04 a.m., Bob Jonkman wrote:
>>> Hello KWPeace Groups organizers! In anticipation of the end of winter
>>> and the start of the summer festival season, we should have another
>>> Potluck Dinner Meeting. The first festival event of the year will be the
>>> Cross Culture's UN Day on 21 March 2020, so we should certainly meet
>>> before then.
>>> Please choose your preferred dates at
>>> https://kwpeace.ca/polls/spring2020  I'll count them up on Monday 24
>>> February and let you know what date was picked.
>>> We'll meet in the Civic Hub from 6:00pm to 8:00pm. It's a potluck -- if
>>> you can, bring something vegetarian to share!  If you can't, there will
>>> be lots of food to share, so come anyway.
>>> For those of you who can't do the poll online, just e-mail me at
>>> bobjonkman at kwpeace.ca and I'll add your name and dates to the list.
>>> Choices are:
>>> Thursday 5 March 2020
>>> Wednesday 11 March 2020
>>> Thursday 12 March 2020
>>> Wednesday 18 March 2020
>>> Thursday 19 March 2020
>>> Thanks, everyone!
>>> --Bob.
>>> PS. Don't forget to add your own events to the calendar at
>>> https://kwpeace.ca -- it's gotten so that I can't keep up, and some
>>> really good events haven't been included.
>>> PPS. If you need to run your own poll, feel free to use the KWPeace
>>> Framadate Polls app at https://kwpeace.ca/polls/  -- Free, both in the
>>> sense of no money, and no surveillance.

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