[KWPeace-groups] confidential from Gehan S

SPHINX sphinx at bellnet.ca
Sun Dec 15 18:04:27 EST 2019

First .. a huge huge thank you Laura for sharing my story at last 
night's meeting ..
I was supposed to come but was delayed ...

Bob just mentioned that he was not aware that my very urgent and serious 
deadline is December 31 2019 ..

so I thought I would send everything in writing here with a suggested 
letter to save everyone from typing if they chose to share it to their 
network  ..


I received an appeal from a very dear friend ... this is NOT a scam, 
this is one of our community members in a very serious situation, your 
generous support would be very much appreciated, and the Lord will 
reward you for your kindness

her name and email address are :

Gehan S

sphinx at bellnet. ca

thank you

WOULD YOU PLEASE step up and help me ?

I have tried to put a brave face for a very long time ...

I am not wanting to put the burden on you individually ... but I need a 
collective reach out ... if I am able to stay in business, I would 
prefer it be done discretely ...

if each person in your network contributes ... whatever they can spare 
.. it adds up and it would be very much appreciated -maybe persuade 
others within your network to contribute any amount they can spare .. 
that would not be a burden on any one individual but would accumulate an 
amount that I am in dire need of in the immediate future

As you may or may not know - that I was cheated out of $38,000 for 
printing work I already delivered ... the stupid Ontario law of "statute 
of limitations" assisted the person who owes me .. to use that law and 
not pay me

I have struggled really hard for a long time, as you are aware ... after 
having paid out the labour, material and all other expenses ... to be 
out of  such an amount .. as a small business is not easy and takes a 
long time .. I had paid off almost all other obligations


that has now caused me to default on my property taxes and on December 
31 2019 the city takes away my business unit with a lien - towards a tax 
sale !!!!

If you or any of your contacts has a business and decide to give me an 
advance towards future printing ... that would help contribute to my 
current situation

Gehan S
Sphinx Graphics & Printing (since 1994)
POB 20002 Kitchener ON N2P 2B4

email:sphinx at bellnet.ca

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