[KWPeace-groups] Successful Perspectives event on Saturday!

Bob Jonkman bobjonkman at kwpeace.ca
Mon Oct 29 12:14:21 EDT 2018

Hi KWPeace Group Organizers: Congratulations! This Saturday we had a
successful event!

Things got off to a bit of a rough start (apparently the Kitchener City
Hall facilities department thought we weren't starting until the middle
of the afternoon), but thanks to the great effort of Dave McLaren, the
AV tech, we got the info tables, audience tables, screen and podium  set
up, and  food was being served by about 12:30pm.

A great thank you also goes to Food Not Bombs for providing lunch to an
extra 50 people!

Attendance was a bit lower than the registrations indicated, but then
the weather wasn't particularly good.  Still, the attendance overflowed
the seating at the audience tables, and we had to get out more chairs.

The presentation by Tamara Lorincz was every bit as good (and scary) as
I thought it would be. Tamara, thank you very much! Please continue to
keep us up-to-date about any demilitarization and decarbonization
rallies and events in Waterloo Region.

Thank you to Sandee Lovas, who did a fantastic job as emcee!

Thank you to all the groups and organizers who participated by having an
info table, and to everyone else who attended!

The organizing committee will be meeting later this week, but I think
we'll decide to hold another Perspectives For Peace symposium in 2019!


Bob Jonkman <bobjonkman at kwpeace.ca>
KW Peace - Calendar and Newsletter for
Kitchener-Waterloo Peace and Social Justice Activists

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