[KWPeace-groups] MUTUAL RESPECT ... March 21 2018

CROSS CULTURES crosscultures at bellnet.ca
Mon Mar 19 09:34:17 EDT 2018

*/open invitation to attend the unveiling of the/

Cross Cultures magazine has been organizing the commemoration of the UN 
International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination for 
several decades now, and as we continue the tradition of promoting 

I am inviting you to take an active role and attend the unveiling of a 
plaque that Cross Cultures is initiating with the VISUAL of the 
indigenous four directions and the wording :

*Waterloo Region embraces*


*we are proud of our diversity*

*and are stronger for it*

9:15 am on Wednesday March 21 2018 at Kitchener City Hall Rotunda

Gehan D. Sabry
Editor / Publisher
Cross Cultures magazine (since 1991)
POB 20002 Kitchener ON N2P 2B4
Tel:  (519) 748-9520
Fax: (519) 893-4259
email:crosscultures at bellnet.ca

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