[KWPeace-groups] community building project

CROSS CULTURES crosscultures at bellnet.ca
Sun Oct 29 13:24:28 EDT 2017

I am writing to share with you, request your input and support ... a 
convenient time to call you .. an appointment if you wish to discuss further

on a rather time sensitive issue :

I am working on a project that could be considered "community building", 
but whose "launching pad" or initiation to open a wider dialogue,

would be to have a plaque (something around the theme of the indigenous 
four directions) with a wording :

*Waterloo Region embraces*


*we are proud of our diversity*

*and are stronger for it*

I am reaching out to the entire community at all its levels, such that 
the message will be coming from the grassroots and supported by all

The reason I am hoping this can be placed at Victoria Park is to "take 
back the park" after the several violent incidents that took place in 
recent years and the fact that it is still being perceived as an unsafe 
place to be in the evenings ... (e g Joel Munro and Francis Pitia etc)

our WRPS  are doing a great job keeping us safe and I wish to give 
gratitude for that as well ..


Gehan D. Sabry
Editor / Publisher
Cross Cultures magazine (since 1991)
POB 20002 Kitchener ON N2P 2B4
Tel:  (519) 748-9520
Fax: (519) 893-4259
email:crosscultures at bellnet.ca

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