[KWPeace-groups] CANCELLED: Perspectives On Peace on Sat, 30 Sept 2017

Bob Jonkman bobjonkman at kwpeace.ca
Tue Oct 3 17:26:55 EDT 2017

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Hi again: We were going to have a debriefing meeting on the
"Perspectives" cancellation this Friday, but Laura Hamilton pointed
out that this is a conversation best had with the entire group at our
next meeting.

So, I've extended the poll to help choose the next date for the
KWPeace Fall 2017 Organizational Potluck Meeting. If you haven't
picked a date, please do so at:


Possible dates are:

    Mon, 16 Oct 2017
    Mon, 23 Oct 2017
    Tue, 24 Oct 2017
    Thu, 26 Oct 2017
    Mon, 30 Oct 2017
    Tue, 31 Oct 2017

If you can't do the poll then let me know, and I'll add a vote for you.
The poll closes next Tuesday, 10 October, when I'll check the
preferred date and send out another message to the list to confirm
that date.

See you all at that potluck meeting!

- --Bob.

Kitchener-Waterloo Peace and Social Justice Groups
bobjonkman at kwpeace.ca           https://kwpeace.ca

On 2017-09-29 12:49 PM, Bob Jonkman wrote:
> Hello group organizers in KWPeace: I have some sad news.
> Due to low registration numbers and the unavailability of some
> speakers, the KWPeace symposium "Perspectives On Peace: Peace In
> Our Community" has been canceled.
> Unfortunately, based on the number of bookings, we would not have 
> received enough donations to cover the cost of the hall rental, 
> advertising, and other expenses. Even with the (partial) refund of
> the hall rental we still have a loss of about $300. We've received
> some offers of financial support, but still need to raise some
> money to cover the expenses.
> My apologies for the lateness of this decision. It was recommended
> at the organizational meeting held yesterday evening, and confirmed
> this morning when the venue allowed us to cancel.
> The organizing committee will be meeting next week Wednesday or
> Friday to debrief, and figure out how we proceed. Everyone is
> welcome to join us; please confirm with me <bobjonkman at kwpeace.ca>,
> and let me know if you'd prefer Wednesday or Friday, 7:00pm at the
> Queen Street Commons Cafe.
> Thank you to all those groups and people who offered to staff an 
> information table at this event. And thank you with apologies to
> all those who registered to attend what would have been an awesome
> event.
> --Bob Jonkman
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