[KWPeace-groups] Minutes from April 6 meeting and call for planning sub-committee

Emily Mininger e.mininger at gmail.com
Thu Apr 13 13:36:11 EDT 2017

Hello all,

Please go to http://kwpeace.ca/meeting-minutes/minutes-of-kwpeace-
potluck-meeting-for-spring-6-april-2017/ to see the minutes from the April
6th meeting. As per usual, there's lots going on!

We have been talking about doing another symposium type event like we did
last October to showcase the work of different KW Peace groups and
encourage community building, and there has been significant interest in
hosting another such event. As it will take more frequent meetings than the
quarterly potluck meetings to plan this event, we are striking a planning
sub-committee. If you'd like to be on the committee let me know. I
anticipate that we will need to only meet once per month for now, maybe
more frequently closer to the date.

Our next quarterly potluck meeting has been tentatively planned for June
29th, pending confirmation that Stirling is available.

All the best,


Emily Mininger

Email: e.mininger at gmail.com
Phone: 519-568-3879 <(519)%20568-3879>

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