[KWPeace-groups] Fwd: You're invited! & help advertise?

Sue Klassen sueklassen at gmail.com
Fri Sep 16 10:12:23 EDT 2016

> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Josie Winterfeld <josie at stirlingmennonite.ca>
> Subject: RE: You're invited! & help advertise?
> Date: September 16, 2016 at 10:00:02 AM EDT
> To: Sue Klassen <sueklassen at gmail.com>
> Hi Sue,
> I have passed on the invite, as you requested, to Engin Sezin, with the request to spread it to his friends and colleagues both at Intercultural Dialogue Institute and Anatolian Cultural Centre.
> Josie
> Josie Winterfeld
> Missions, Peace & Justice and Outreach
> Stirling Ave. Mennonite Church
> 57 Stirling Ave. N., Kitchener, ON N2H 3G4
> 519-745-4769 (office)  519-742-6271 (cell)
> From: Sue Klassen [mailto:sueklassen at gmail.com <mailto:sueklassen at gmail.com>] 
> Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2016 4:59 PM
> To: Jennifer Mains; Josie Winterfeld; Laureen Harder-Gissing; Mike Hostetler; Richard Albrecht; Sue Klassen; vicki albrecht; Kathy Collins; John Siebert; Cassy Wiens; Tim Dresser (tdresser at gmail.com <mailto:tdresser at gmail.com>); Ruth Wright-Gedcke
> Subject: You're invited! & help advertise?
> MPJ  &  P&JWG friends,
> A year ago, I represented Stirling’s P&JWG at a forum for local peace & justice groups at Grebel.  That group saw a need for local P&J groups to meet periodically to learn more about each other and collaborate, as well as having a common calendar.  KW Peace has grown out of that initial conversation.  We have a website (kwpeace.ca <http://kwpeace.ca/>) with the events of many groups on the calendar, and we have periodic potluck meetings open to any peace group organizers/representatives.   On October 1st, 4-8:30 p.m, we’re holding our first event to reach out further.  Simon Dalby, CIGI’s chair, will be the keynote on climate change.  He should be a great draw.  I’d love to have some Stirling folks join me there!
> I’d also appreciate some help in sharing the news.  Josie, would you be able to share it to our Turkish friends?  I’d appreciate others spreading the word to friends and groups that might be interested. I’ve copied the announcement I sent to Trisha for Stirling’s announcement sheet, and there’s a press release and another blurb Emily Mininger has prepared for all of us.  There are posters at Queen Street Commons that can be shared around, or ones that can be printed below.  
> Here’s the Stirling announcement:
> KW Peace is hosting “Perspectives on Peace: Local Approaches to Positive Change,” an evening of sharing, collaboration, and action on October 1st 2016 from 4-8:30pm at Queen Street Commons in downtown Kitchener.  KW Peace is a collective of local peace and social justice groups interested in collaboration and networking.  Keynote speaker Dr. Simon Dalby, CIGI Chair, will be speaking about the interaction between climate change and conflict, from his experience working in the fields of climate change, political ecology, geopolitics, and global security. The evening also includes dinner, showcasing of participating groups, and small group discussions. Sue Klassen will briefly share about Stirling’s work.  Admission (including dinner) is free, but registration is required.  Suggested donation at the door towards event costs is $10. Register by September 23 at kwpeace.ca <http://kwpeace.ca/>.
> Thanks so much!
> Sue
> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Emily Mininger <e.mininger at gmail.com <mailto:e.mininger at gmail.com>>
> Subject: [KWPeace-Organizers] Press release, poster with logos, final blurb
> Date: September 12, 2016 at 4:27:47 PM EDT
> To: Organizers of KWPeace events <organizers at kwpeace.ca <mailto:organizers at kwpeace.ca>>
> Reply-To: Organizers of KWPeace events <organizers at kwpeace.ca <mailto:organizers at kwpeace.ca>>
> Hello all, 
> Here's my first draft of a press release.
> Poster with logos - http://kwpeace.ca/wp-content/uploads/Perspectives_withLogos-1.png <http://kwpeace.ca/wp-content/uploads/Perspectives_withLogos-1.png>
> PDF - http://kwpeace.ca/wp-content/uploads/Perspectives_withLogos.pdf <http://kwpeace.ca/wp-content/uploads/Perspectives_withLogos.pdf>
> At the bottom is the blurb that we should be using. Please also share the facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/events/499727313556916/ <https://www.facebook.com/events/499727313556916/>
> Please let me know if there are any suggestions/edits:
> KW Community Groups Share Perspectives on Peace
> By Emily Mininger
> September 11, 2016
> Kitchener, ON - Local community groups are hosting "Perspectives on Peace: Local Approaches to Positive Change," an evening of sharing, collaboration, and action on October 1st 2016 from 4-8:30pm at Queen Street Commons in downtown Kitchener.
> This event, hosted under the umbrella of KW Peace, will emphasize positive work happening in our community and inspire action. KW Peace (kwpeace.ca <http://kwpeace.ca/>) is a collective of local peace and social justice groups interested in collaboration and networking.
> The concept of peace building is very broad, and encompasses a wide range of approaches and issues. The goal of this gathering is to celebrate our individual perspectives on peace, as well as find ways to work together in creating peace and positive change in our community.  We'll do this by showcasing the work that's already being done and encouraging new action and collaboration.
> The agenda includes a Keynote speaker, dinner, showcasing of participating groups, and small group discussions. Keynote speaker Dr. Simon Dalby, CIGI Chair, will be speaking about the interaction between climate change and conflict, from his experience working in the fields of climate change, political ecology, geopolitics, and global security.
> Participating groups currently include: The Nonviolence Festival, Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT), Spiritual Heritage Education Network (SHEN), Divest Waterloo, Cross Cultures, Green Party, Amnesty International, Centre for Peace Advancement(CPA), FairVote, Animal Save, Vegan Society, and Stirling Avenue Mennonite Church's Social Justice Working group.
> Admission is free, but registration is required as space is limited. Pay what you can donations towards the cost of the event are appreciated (suggested donation is $10). Register at kwpeace.ca <http://kwpeace.ca/>.
> Contact
> To learn more, please contact
> Emily Mininger
> e.mininger at gmail.com <mailto:e.mininger at gmail.com>
> 519-568-3879 <tel:519-568-3879>
> Simon Dalby is also available for interviews. 
> KW Peace invites local groups and community members to join us for an evening of sharing, collaboration, and action.
> Let's celebrate and get  inspired by the incredible people in our community, and share our own work and passions.
> We're all working to improve life for those around us and create positive change in Kitchener-Waterloo.
> The Keynote Speaker is Dr. Simon Dalby, CIGI chair,
> whose work focuses on climate change, political ecology, geopolitics, global security, and environmental change.  Local groups will also share their goals , projects, and collaborative visioning for the future of our community.
> This event is hosted by KW Peace, a collective of peace and social justice groups passionate about finding ways to encourage collaboration in our community. Please visit our website at kwpeace.ca <http://kwpeace.ca/>, for events related to peace and social justice. Check out what's happening, or post your own events!
> A hearty, plant-based, local, seasonal meal will be provided.
> Admission is free and registration is required; space is limited. Please Register by Sept 23 on kwpeace.ca <http://kwpeace.ca/>. Suggested donation towards the cost of the event is $10 and will be collected on the day of. 
> Contact Emily Mininger (e.mininger at gmail.com <mailto:e.mininger at gmail.com>) with questions.
> _______________________________________________
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> Organizers at kwpeace.ca <mailto:Organizers at kwpeace.ca>
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