[KWPeace-groups] location for October 1st

Bob Jonkman bjonkman at sobac.com
Wed Aug 10 13:32:51 EDT 2016

At the Nonviolence Festival meeting last night Roger said the contact
at City Hall (Marianne Shilling?) was still not available.  So yes,
Laura could investigate St. John's church in case City Hall doesn't
work out.

But I think we should hold the potluck as scheduled (next Wednesday,
17 August 2016 at the Sterling Avenue Mennonite Church).  We can work
out further details of the "Perspectives on Peace" event in October,
and perhaps assign some tasks and responsibilities that don't depend
on venue.

For those people on the mailing list who weren't at the last potluck
meeting on 20 July 2016, Emily's excellent writeup is at

I'll just reproduce the schedule for "Perspectives" here:

9:30 – Meet and greet, coffee, muffins

10:00 – Keynote

11:00 – Coffee Break (Use Ten Thousand Villages coffee)

11:15 – Q&A

12:00 – lunch (Do we want to show a short film? Have prompt questions?
If anyone finds a good short film let us know

1:00 – lightning rounds (probably about 4 rounds of 15ish minutes
each. Reps from each group circulate between tables to talk about
their group/answer questions. Other options would be to have people
move or groups speak to the crowd, but we prefer speakers moving.
Maybe begin this session with a quick intro to each group so people
get a sense of who is there)

2:30 – Big 4 (thunder round?) Focus on resilience positive concrete
outlook on life

3:30 – summary and closing

We talked about the "Lightning and Thunder Rounds" at the Nonviolence
Festival meeting last night too.

Here's a proposal for the afternoon: After lunch, the event host poses
the question to all participants "How can you make a local, positive
difference?" To help frame/answer that question, a representative from
each of the local peace groups gives a 5 minute (max!) introduction of
their organization -- the "Lightning Round". This should take about an
hour. There are 11 groups listed at http://kwpeace.ca/about/ and I
encourage all groups on this mailing list to participate. We thought
it would be better to have the organization reps address the event as
a whole, so nobody gets left out.

For the "Big 4 Thunder Rounds" we invite participants to form four
(five?) groups, in which they come up with a plan on how they want to
make their local, positive difference:

* Environment
* Anti-Poverty
* Democracy
* Spirituality
* Social Justice

The KW Peace organization reps will help facilitate discussion at each
of these groups. Maybe we can have flip charts to record the progress
(an idea from the SPCCND Anti-Poverty Symposium held 10 June 2016).
This would take an hour, then  each group reports back to the rest in
the last half hour.

So, we can work out these ideas on the mailing list, and also in
person at the potluck next Wednesday.  It's already the middle of
August (!!!) and 2 October 2016 is a mere six weeks away. We may want
to meet in person a bit more frequently than once a month...


For anyone who was at the 20 July potluck and is not on the
groups at kwpeace.ca mailing list, let me know and I'll add you, or you
can add yourself at http://kwpeace.ca/mailman/listinfo/groups_kwpeace.ca

If you're on the groups at kwpeace.ca mailing list and you'd like to have
your organization listed at http://kwpeace.ca/about then send your
org's details to me at bobjonkman at kwpeace.ca

On 2016-08-10 11:14 AM, Emily Mininger wrote:
> Hi all,
> Last I talked with Roger he said the person doing the bookings for
> City Hall is currently on vacation and hasn't responded to our
> request. I'm not sure what else to do in that situation but just
> wait.
> Our potluck is scheduled for next week but I'm wondering if it
> makes more sense to postpone, as the remaining work we have to do
> is best finalized when we have a confirmed venue and date; we had
> hoped to get the word out other groups in time for this meeting,
> which won't feasibly happen if we haven't booked the venue yet.
> As we're getting close to the wire, I think it's probably good at
> this point to have a back-up confirmed so we can move forward and
> know we at least have somewhere to meet.
> What do others think?
> Emily
> On Mon, Aug 8, 2016 at 5:28 PM, <laura at divestwaterloo.ca> wrote:
>> Hi everyone, I recall that I was to check to see if St. johns
>> church might be available for our event in October if we could
>> not book City Hall - so, I am wondering if we have City Hall
>> booked?  As I mentioned, if it is available, we should be able to
>> secure it for free as they have an annual grant to cover
>> facilities costs that non-profits can access (but only once a
>> year).  Please let me know, I don't want to bother the church
>> about a booking if we have it sewed up.  Thanks!
>> laura


Bob Jonkman <bjonkman at sobac.com>          Phone: +1-519-635-9413
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